在我們的 Basic Flow 內置胸罩背心中,你可以自由地移動、扭轉和伸展身體。這款背心採用彈性和高品質的尼龍微纖維製成,觸感柔軟舒適,就像棉質面料一樣。背心的胸圍採用簡潔的圓領設計,背部的線條則簡潔利落,讓你在運動中感到舒適和安全。這款背心是你新的運動必備單品,支持你輕鬆穿搭,隨時隨地運動!
Move, twist and stretch freely in our Basic Flow built-in bra tank. Made from stretchy and high quality nylon micro fabric that gives a comfy cottony feel to touch. Simple round chestline of tank and clean cut lines at the back to let you play safe and feel safe on the move, it is your new go-to tank to support casual working out!
(由QFPAY 提供,如需使用請於結帳頁面選擇以QFPAY付款)